Casiana Mihuţ, Veaceslav Mazăre, Marius Silviu Stroia, Anca Drăgunescu None
The researches that represented the objectives of the present scientific work aimed determination of physical and chemical properties of soils planted with grapevines from Vineyard Centers Tirol and Moldova Noua. Most viticulture plantations from the Southern part of the vineyard are found on soils with optimal growth and developing conditions for grapevines and particularly for red wines. The most predominant soils on plateaus are pre-alluvial soils, alluvial soils, districambisoils and lythosoils. This work aims to study soils in the Vineyard Centers Tirol and Moldova Noua. Research is in its early stages, but in the future the team will have greater involvement in bringing the information about the physical and chemical properties of soil filled with life. The physical properties of soil were determined:Soil texture - Cernikova method; Porosity of the soil - was determined by calculation; The soil chemical properties were determined:Content in humus - Tiurin method; Soil reaction - by potentiometric method in aqueous extract 1:2,5; Total nitrogen content in% - was done by Kjeldahl method (soil mineralization is made by boiling with concentrated sulfuric acid in the presence of catalyst); Total phosphorus and mobile content was determined by the Egner-Rhiem-Domingo on a Spectrophotometer UV – VIS. Assimilable potassium content - to extract the ammonium lactate and acetate was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The research was conducted in the same direction, all for a period of three years (2003 to 2005), but results in this regard can be observed only after a greater number of years. In Romania, investigations are limited due with a lack of financial resources and because of disinterest or poor information for those working in the field, to find the state of the land occupied by vineyards. Researches are bringing practical information that can be used by those concerned with the physical and chemical properties of soil in growing Vineyards Centers Tirol and Moldova Noua. The work is original, both in terms of information that it provides, as well as practical solutions that gives those interested in fertility status of soils occupied by grapevines. The work is original, both in terms of information that it provides, as well as practical solutions that gives those interested in fertility status of soils occupied by grapevines. The work has great practical importance, because is bringing new and needed information about fertility status of land occupied by vineyards and in the achievement of steady production and good quality.
viticulture centre; physical properties; chemical properties
Presentation: oral

