Instructions To Authors
All papers will be written in English. Each participant may be the first author of maximum of 2 papers (no more than 10 pages/paper, minimum 5 pages). Please, register your paper online at, at Register/Paper Submission.
Paper size: A4(21 x 29.7 cm)
Page settings: top 4.85 cm, bottom 4.85 cm, left 3.75 cm, right 3.75 cm, header, and footer 4.3 cm
Title: bold, TNR, 11p,centred. After the title follows single space 11p.
Names of the authors: First name (the complete name for female and initials for male) SURNAME (all caps), TNR 9 p bold, aligned to the right followed by a single space 9 p.
For The Young People and Agriculture Research Conference, the papers shall have 2 or 3 authors: an undergraduate, an MA or an MSc student, a Ph.D. student or a young researcher, and 1 or 2 tutors.
INSTITUTION: bold italic, 9 p aligned to the right. The next line italic 9 p aligned to the right: address and e-mail of the corresponding author. Single space lining 12 p. after the address.
Line Spacing: “single” throughout the document.
Abstract: in one column, minimum of 200 words. The word “Abstract” is written in bold-italic 9 p followed by the text also in 9p italics. The abstract is followed by a single space – 9p. “Keywords”: TNR 8 p bold-italic, and the key: 9p. italic. Spacing 10 p after the keywords.
The titles of these chapters are written in TNR 10 p bold Capital letters, aligned to the left, with indentation 1.25 cm.
The text is written in TNR 10 p, normal, paragraph 1.25 cm.
No spacing between each title and the text.
Between the chapters, the spacing is 10p.
Bibliography: the term used is BIBLIOGRAPHY, TNR 10 p, bold, minimum 15 recent articles, with maximum of 10% self-citations. The text is written in TNR 9p, normal, paragraph – hanging 2.5 cm. The authors are written in “Small Caps” throughout the document.
“Table” is written in TNR 9p, italic, aligned to the right above the table.
The title of the table is written in TNR 9p, centered.
The content of the table is written in TNR 8,7 or 6p depending on the case.
The titles of the graphs or images are written beneath in TNR 9p, normal.
Scientific Latin names: italics. No underlining!
After Conclusions, you can mention the project that supports the paper.
Posters: A0 (841 x 1189) mm