Valentina Coteţ, Sorina Dumitru, Victoria Mocanu, Marius Eftene None
The main objective of this paper is to emphasize the distribution of soils in Braila Plain taking in the account the subunits of relief and pedogeoclimatic microzones. The final goal is to update of the pedogeoclimatics microzones limits. Microzonation of Romania territory was carried out in two successive editions (Florea et al, 1989, 1999), when they separate microzones as distinct cartographic units based on 3 characteristics: climate, relief and soil. Some years later, in a project during 2002-2004, a Geographic Information System, SIG-MZP, has been developed, the database being stored in digital format. For Braila Plain, Coteţ et al (2009) carried out an overlay between the microzones and soil maps, each microzone taking adequate information from soil map. A statistics on the soil percentage from each microzone has been done. The resulting map was achieved by processing information from Microzones map at the scale 1:1 000 000, from the existing database of ICPA, and a series of papers regarding this area. From the map pedogeoclimatics microzones, the area of Braila Plain has been cropped using GIS techniques, with ArcView 3.2. The limits of the microzones of the study area have been modified, and information has been taken on the microzones map. In this paper the limits for pedogeoclimatic microzones from Braila Plain are corrected and updated. The information from SIG-MZP database was analyzed for the territory studied. By correcting and updating the limits of pedogeoclimatic microzones of Braila Plain one could specify the exact soil types in each microzone, their distribution and surface, soil amelioration activities in each microzone, land use, as well as the risk assessment at different soil degradation processes.
pedogeoclimatic microzones; Braila Plain; soil maps
Presentation: oral

