Vlad D. MIRCOV, Carmen MOISA, Lucian NIŢĂ, Antoanela COZMA None
Climatological characterisation for winter 2009-2010, namely the interval  december 2009-february 2010, supposes analysis the evolution in space and time of the different climate parameters at meteorological stations in Banat.  Meteorological parameters considered in this analysis are air temperature, rainfall and snow layer. Air temperature is a variable parameter due to the factors that influence the heating and cooling of the Earth, its lack of homogeneity and the unequal distribution  of solar energy.  The rainfall are a very important meteorological factor used for climatological characterisation of a region, an important link of water circulation in nature,  with distinctive implications in some activities especially in agriculture.  In data processing it is given  a great importance for the extreme values  (absolut minimum and maximum), and for monthly average.  It was made an analysis on  the number of  frosty nights, the number of winter days, number of freezing days, and on the number of days with snow layer. For the three meteorological station from mountain we made separate references. In order to draw up the synoptical characterisation for december 2009-february 2010 we used synoptic charts with surface pressure and with height and temperature  at 500 hPa level. Analyzing  the deviations of  average temperature in december 2009, january and february 2010 compared to normal values (1961-1990) we noted that the average air temperature overreach the normal values in december 2009 and february 2010, and it was close to normal values in january 2010.  Depending on deviations of  the  amounts of rainfall in winter 2009-2010 compared to normal values, the rainfall were excess in most part of  Banat region, which led to floods especially on lower  part of the rivers from this region.
thermal regime, rainfall regime, snow layer, frost, freezing
Presentation: oral

