Mihaela Liana Fericean, Ioan Palagesiu, Radu Palicica, Ana Maria Varteiu, Silvia Prunar None
This paper presents data referring to the colonization and dispersal behaviour, the life cycle of aphid species from potato cultivations for a period of three years 2005-2007, from Didactic Station Timisoara and Varfurile, Arad county, and biometrical measurements which point out the morphological caracteristics of Myzus persicae. For an estimation situations of attack can be useful to be known the most common places of colonization. Also, knowledge of potato aphid life cycle constitutes a basic element of the integrated potato pests control. Wingless adult aphids are green to pale yellow and measure about 1.9 to 2.3 mm in length. Winged (alate) aphids have a black head and thorax, and a yellowish green abdomen with a large dark patch dorsally. The smallest length of the body established for aphids captured in West Zone of Romania was 2.1 mm, while the biggest was 2.65 mm. The average body length was 2.44 ± 0.15 mm. Regarding the length of the head and thorax, it may be noticed that the maximum length of these parts was 1.25 mm and minimum length was 1.0 mm. The average value calculated for the length of these parts was 1.14 ± 0.06 mm.The minimum width of head was 0.40 mm and the maximum width of head was 0.45 mm. The average value calculated for head width was 0.41 ± 0.2 mm. As far as the thorax width is concerned, this was minimum 0.80 mm and maximum 1.0 mm. Mean thorax width was 0.89 ± 0.06 mm. The minimum length of the abdomen was 1.10 mm and minimum width was 0.85 mm, the maximum length of the abdomen was 1.50 mm and the maximum width was 1.15 mm. The mean length of the abdomen was 1.31 ± 0.11 mm, while the average value calculated for abdomen width was 1.02 ± 0.09 mm. Winged green peach aphids seemingly attempt to colonize nearly all plants available. Their highly dispersive nature contributes significantly to their effectiveness as vectors of plant viruses.The females arrive at a host tree and give birth to a wingless egg-laying generation. The males are attracted and mate with the egg-producing females. These females then lay eggs, which will grow over the winter and hatch in the spring.
aphids, behaviour, life, cycle, biometrical, measurements
Presentation: oral

