Claudia Culhavi, Dan Nicolae Manea None
Research presented in this paper aimed at establishing the most efficient modern ways of chemical control of the problem-species Convolvulus arvensis L. in winter wheat, with direct effects on yield results. Research was carried out during the agricultural year 2008-2009 on the experimental field of the Plant Protection Department of the Didactic Station in Timişoara, on a cambic chernozem, where we tested 11 post-emergent herbicides. The winter wheat cultivar we used in our trial was Lovrin 50, developed at the S.C.A. Lovrin. In the control variant, we inventoried 77.00 weeds/m2 (belonging to 11 distinct species), of which Convolvulus arvensis L. represented 13.83 plants/m2 with a share of 17.80%. The most efficient decrease of the number of field bindweed shoots was ensured by the herbicide Buctril Universal, with a control rate of 95.87%. There was also weed control above 90% in the variants treated with Aril Super, Banvel 480 S, and Dialen Super 464 SL. As a result of the studies and research carried out, we could see that the herbicide Tomigan 250 EC had no visible effect in controlling field bindweed, which makes us not recommend it for the control of fields weeded by this plant. In all treated variants, 30 days after application and particularly 60 days after application, the plants of Convolvulus arvensis L. tended to regenerate by sprouting new shoots that could not be a real challenge for the almost mature wheat plants. The highest wheat yields obtained in 2009 were in the variants treated with Aril Super (1 l/ha), Banvel 480 S (1 l/ha), and Dialen Super 464 SL (0.9 l/ha), with yields of 53.01 q/ha, 52.43 q/ha and 51.08 q/ha, respectively, with very significant positive differences compared to the average of the field. All the tested herbicides were very selective for the winter wheat cultivar we cultivated (Lovrin 50), with no visible symptoms of phyto-toxicity.
winter wheat; weed control; Convolvulus arvensis L.; herbicides; yields
Presentation: oral

