Josif BOTH, Loredana COPĂCEAN, Iacob BORZA None
The analysis the the natural environment (terrain, paleogeographical evolution, geology, climate, hydrography, hydrogeology, soil) and soil fertility potential, ie how to use these soils in the low plain, which is part of the Banat plain requires separate treatment of each component, identifying relationships, influence or conditioning that occurs between these components. In this paper are analyzed the natural characteristics of the interfluve Timis-Bega. The analysis of the natural environment was based on works of scientific documents on the region studied, as well as observations from the site. Interfluve Timis-Bega, downstream of Timisoara, fully overlaps a region of low plains, which is part of the Banat plain. The genesis relief of this unit is closely linked to the dynamics of the foundation plates and microplates of Pannonian Basin, especially those that led to the formation of mountain relief, to the faults and local diving foundation plains. The entire area of the Banat plain and implicitly interfluve Timis-Bega, ranges from average annual isotherms of 10 ° C and 11 ° C and average yearly rainfall is around 600 mm / year. The main rivers courses are Timis and Bega, which is the surface perimeter of limit analyzed. Timis and Bega rivers, over time floods have caused several catastrophic effects of the natural environment and human settlements nearby. It may be mentioned in this regard the flooding caused in 1859, followed by another 30 such events, with very serious consequences. A number of environmental factors and "abandonment of" hydrotechnical works, wich led to a catastrophic hydric event in the spring of 2005. Groundwater level is low in the plain at a depth that influence pedogenetic processes. Until recently, much of the low plain is under increased groundwater influence. Groundwater mineralization determined at different stages of soil salinization. Groundwater bodies related study area are: ROBA03-Timisoara (body of groundwater) and ROBA18 (deep groundwater body). Interfluve Timis-Bega overlap of low plains, with favorable climate conditions and relief, which prints a high fertility soils in this area. The soils from area of analysis have a high degree of fertility. Largest surfaces of total arable land are included in Classes II and III of quality.
fertility, natural environment, soil
Presentation: oral

