Manuela Dora Orboi, Adrian Băneş, Ioan Petroman, Mirela Monea, Ioana Bălan None
The paper analyses how the concept of sustainable development is defined, its principles and objectives, as well as the role and importance of the sociological dimension in creating a model of sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development is the totality of socio-economic development forms and methods not only on the short or medium term, but also on the long term. The basis of these methods is the balance between the socio-economic systems and the elements of the natural capital. Sustainable development as a concept has materialized during decades, within the framework of thorough international scientific debates, and has assumed political potential through globalisation. The central principles behind sustainable development are equity and fairness among countries and generations, the long-term vision on the development process, systemic thinking and interconnection between economy, society and the environment. Sustainable development is linked with the concept of quality of life and pursues three objectives: economic welfare, social stability and environment protection. Any project should approach all three dimensions of sustainable development: environment, economy and society. The social dimension is concerned with social inclusion, demographic changes and public health. Environmental programmes will fail unless they set permanent human welfare as their objective. Underestimating the role of social factors in sustainable development will endanger the development programmes and projects. The medium and long-term fair assessment of human capital and the evolution tendencies are crucial for the realistic perspectives of a sustainable development model in all its fundamental components: economy, society-culture, and environment. In Romania, the demographic trends are worrying. On the long run, the trends are negative. According to estimations from national and international sources, and not taking into consideration external migration, however, admitting a significant increase in life expectancy at birth, Romania’s population could decrease from 21.4 million in 2008 to 21.2 million in 2013, 20.8 million in 2020, 19.6 million in 2035, and 16.9 million in 2060. The objectives of sustainable development for 2030 cannot leave out the effects of demographic evolution on the long and very long term. Sustainable development involves meeting the necessities of the current generations without compromising the capacity of the coming generations to satisfy their own needs. Sustainable development principles are time-driven and may lead to successful results of current environmental provisions, while serving the interests of human society.
sustainable development; quality of life; demographic trends
Presentation: oral

