Daniel Dicu, Iacob Borza, Dorin Ţărău None
The research made is falling on the line to develop an sustainable agricultural system, responding to local requirements for establishing a scientific database necessary for the development of technology and measures of agroecosystems integrated management. The passing to no-till cultivation system radically changes the content of technological elements, that simplifies the technology by the suppression of soil work, so the impact on the agricultural ecosystem is different from that of conventional technology, first decreases the pressure on agricultural ecosystem and on the other  apear new interactions, new disrupt the new balance or imbalances. The research made in the world concerning no-till technology  get some information about the implications of this system of agricultural cultivation on the environment, showed that the impact varies from one area to another, depending on climatic and soil conditions encountered, agricultural management. The researches regarding the evolution of the agro-ecosystems’ quality and productivity from the Vinga High Plain in the no-till crop system tries to highlight the quality and quantity changes emerged in the agricultural ecosystem. The no-till crop system was applied  at the wheat, maize and soy crops. The experimental field is situated on a cambium chernozem clayey earth/clayey earth, dominant in the Prodagro West Arad Agro-center and representative for an important surface of the  Banat –Crisana Plain. The experiment has three factors, being of the type 2x2x3, with subdivided parcels into 4 repetitions (144 parcels). The experimental factors are: Factor A – the technological system (A1 – without deep soil working, A2 – with deep soil working), Factor B- the culture system (B1- classic culture system, B2- No-till culture system), Factor C- fertilizers doses (C1- N 0 P 0 K 0 , C2- N 80 P 80 K 80 , C3- N 160 P 80 K 80 ). Considering the evolution of soil humidity, the observations made monthly for the three cultures showed that in the no-till system, there are more uniform values in the soil profile, and in the variants where the deep work of soil was made it could be observed a low increase of the water volume in the soil. Even if the productions obtained in the classic system are superior than those obtained in the no-till system, considering the economical costs for establishing a culture in the no-till system are lower, the same as the pressure made upon the soil (by reducing the number of passes with the agricultural machines and installations), than the classic system.
plant culture; system; influence; component; agroecosystem
Presentation: oral

