Constantin Crăciun, Marius Eftene, Victoria Mocanu, Dorin Ţărău None
Sustainable management of soils involved, where farmland and forest management, taking into account the cycles and flows of information, energy and matter between soils and other spheres of the natural environment (atmosphere, rivers, vegetation and fauna, etc.). Sustainable management of natural and anthropogenically induced resources is a modern form of land management, with the mission of maintaining and enhancing soil fertility and to enable long-term achievement of high quality food production.  The addressed issues is relating to an area of 17216641 ha of which 1098520 ha of agricultural land, belonging to the Timiş and Caraş-Severin countys. The examination of ecopedological conditions, were setting in order and processing dates were made according to „ The Pedological Studies Elaboration Methodology “, (vol. I,II,III) of ICPA Bucharest, in 1987 and Romanian Taxonomic System of Soils (SRTS-2003). The soil, as a basic component of terrestrial ecology, has a number of properties that have served and serve both to specify the genetic classification and parametric entities and for the definition of agricultural practices. As part of the soil, the clay play an important role in setting out the relationship between certain physical and chemical soil attributes and between them and the creatures that inhabit them. The research made in recent years by the group of authors represents an attempt to present certain aspects concerning the relationship between mineralogical components and the soil quality or soil health. Given these considerations, in this paper will be considered some aspects concerning the mineralogical substrate share on the Banat soils. Although soil genesis processes can essentially change the original characteristics of the parental materials, the composition of their size still further to influence and even determine soil texture. In close correlation with the variety of geomorphological factors who are determining the existence of diversified relief units, those geological and litological who are leading to a diversity of parental materials and rock on wich  the soil are evolve, climatic and hidrological  factors and the various human interventions, have result a large population of soil with specific characteristics (related or totally different between them), constantly evolving. The research made is falling on the line to develop an sustainable agricultural system, responding to local requirements for establishing a scientific database necessary for the development of technology and measures of agroecosystems integrated management, the protection and conservation of environment.
clay; clay minerals; clay – parent material relationships
Presentation: oral

